Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Stereotypes Of Women In The Bloody Chamber Essays
Stereotypes Of Women In The Bloody Chamber Essays Stereotypes Of Women In The Bloody Chamber Essay Stereotypes Of Women In The Bloody Chamber Essay Essay Topic: Little Women There Will Be Blood The narrator is without her feminist qualities representing free or independent women, her naivety shows her without any real strength depicting her more as a child. She is also viewed as a possession as she ceased to be her child becoming his wife suggesting she is passed between owners foreshadowing a possible neglect to the things people can find most valuable. She is shown as an object of desire too saying she is an artichoke whos leaves need to be stripped suggesting further that he may finish with her after his sexual desire is sated. The little girl stereotype is projected as she calls herself a schoolgirl and her husband also refers too her as a little girl repeatedly expressing to the reader her absence of maturity. Her immaturity is developed further after she views her new dwelling as a castle suggesting a link too fairytale calling herself queen of the ocean surrounding her, this also suggests she is not fully void of her childish ways and therefore is not aware of the bad in the world. The major indication of her lack of immaturity is shown when the narrator calls her mother and burst(s) into tears and all he can say his her gold taps her mother then foreshadows the girls escape later by planting the seeds of doubt in the readers mind by being concerned. The mother is the icon for feminism, she has her own independence, courage and strength. The narrator shows her admiration for her mother as she describes how magnificently eccentric she is showing that her mother has her own independent personality not needing to be owned by anyone. Her courage is shown toward the end as she fires upon the marquis with her husbands antique service revolver this could also represent the mother Mary, the strong protective mother. The marquis being shot as a man-eating tiger shows that she has a sense of adventure in the wild doing things Stereotypes Chamber gay tuckered In The Bloody Chamber through the different chat minor characters of the. N presented. Her ruby chock from the guillotine, whose of her femininity. She alls narrowly escapes the mar a phallic symbol represent The narrator is without he independent women, her depicting her more as a CLC ceased to he her child be owners reassigning a valuable. She is shown as whos leaves need to be s her Falco his sexual desire alls herself a schoolgirl repeatedly expressing co I is developed further after a link too fairytale calling also suggests she is not FL aware of the bad in the u is shown when the narrate she say his her gold t later by planting the seed: The mother is the icon for and strength. The narrator describes magnificent her own independent per courage is shown toward husbands antique service Mary, the strong protection tiger shows that she has women arent pictured doing. She still keeps her about her daughter and protecting her but shows strong as well as feminine. Her masculinity is not t ere bravery in the face of evil toward the end of the masculine hero saving what seems to be a damsel constant contradictions of the stereotypes of whom the feminist and worldly view of choice even asking sure you love him? giving the daughter a choice SSL about her marriage. Her romanticism is brought FCC love not money helping a reader to relate better The marquis embodies the temptations of women constantly as; an animal leonine, vicuà ±a. This SYS women going toward a strong male figure that haft personality. The re-libation into the fairytale word marquis allows the narrator to browse through TTL nettles tailor made. He also gives the women implication as he tempts the narrator (eve) with the apple) in his house (the tree of knowledge). In conclusion the depiction Of women covers sever society the more common three stereotypes been? and where.
Friday, November 22, 2019
The High School History Classes You Should Take
The High School History Classes You Should Take SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips History. Maybe it's written by the victors. Maybe it repeats itself, first as tragedy and second as farce. Or maybe it doesn't repeat, but rhymes. In any case, it's a key part of your high school (and lifelong!) education. But how should you study it? What classes should you take in high school to satisfy college requirements? What options are there for going above and beyond? And what can you do if you are a history fiend who simply cannot get enough learning about the past? Read on to learn about high school and college expectations, honors and AP classes, and ways to expand your understanding of other social sciences! What Do High Schools Expect? Like the car commercials say, your mileage may vary ââ¬â in this case, each high school has its own standards for how many years of history and/or other social sciences you need to take to graduate. Most public schools in most states require 2 to 3 years of social sciences (this may be different for private schools). Besides history, social sciences are classes like economics, geography, world cultures, civics, and government. So, definitely check with your own high school to see how many years you need and what counts as a social science. Random pile of rocks or the remains of England's wealthiest abbey after Henry VIII and his Reformation was done with it? History = amazing true stories. What Do Colleges Expect? Again, there is no hard and fast rule. Still, most colleges want you to have taken at least 2 standard history courses: American/US history World history or European history Overall, colleges want to see 2 to 3 years of social science classes, but you should definitely check the admissions requirements of your target school to see what they expect. Sometimes colleges donââ¬â¢t have requirements but they do offer suggestions. For example, while UCLA requires at least two years of social sciences, Harvard suggests a minimum of two years. Sometimes expectations depend on what youââ¬â¢re applying to study. For example, if you want to study engineering, you probably donââ¬â¢t need to take as many social science courses. Conversely, if you're applying with a plan to study social science, this is where you need to excel and demonstrate your interest. How Can I Exceed Expectations? The Do-More Kid slowly hovered upstairs, mildly exceeding the expectation that he would simply walk. Honors Classes If you're angling to exceed expectations, the best place to start is with your own school. Honors classes will most likely be similar to the standard classes your school offers, but they will go into more depth and explore broader contexts for the historical topics you study. On the one hand, you'll have to work much harder, but on the other hand you have a richer understanding and be way better prepared for college-level history courses. AP History Classes There are three history AP options: AP World History, which divides everything from 8000 BC to now into six periods, each with its own questions and thematic concerns AP European History, which focuses on everything that happened in Europe from the mid-1400s through 2000 AP United States History, which covers American history from about the time Native Americans first encountered Europeans to the present day IB Diploma Classes There are two different IB course progressions for history: the first focuses on the history of Europe and the Islamic world the second focuses on world history in the 20th century What If I Want Even More History? Finding more resources to feed your interest isn't at all impossible. Find a great elective or two This is the time to ransack your high school's course catalog. Are there any electives which focus on a specific era in history (like the 19th century) or on a particular group of people (like the Mayans)? Design your own course You know what teachers love? Interested and engaged students! Can you ask a teacher to help you set up an independent project or independent study to explore your interests? For example, you could focus on a particular slice of history (like trade along the Silk Route), or you could trace the development of one specific idea through time (like the concept of passive resistance). Take a class online For instance, Stanford University has an online high school which features 5 history courses and 1 guided independent study option. You can sign up to take just one class or all of them. Brown University also offers a set of online pre-college courses, including two related classes on history and American studies. Take a class over the summer Check out our guide to the Summer Institute for the Gifted or our description of Stanfordââ¬â¢s two summer programs. Take a college class Finally, if youââ¬â¢re super confident in your abilities, or if you have a specific interest you really want to learn about, you can take an online college-level class. Not only will you get a sense of what history classes are like in college, but doing well will also look great on your transcript. You may even get college credit, just like for an AP course! How Else Can I Study Social Sciences? So maybe you are already a history buff, and are ready to explore other ways of studying how societies, cultures, and peoples interact. Then this is the time to investigate other classes that will broaden and deepen your understanding of history by putting into other contexts! These are classes like: economics, civics, government, politics, world cultures, world religions, geography, and so on. Check out other social sciences AP classes: AP Comparative Government Politics AP Human Geography AP Macroeconomics AP Microeconomics AP Psychology AP United States Government Politics Also, check out other social sciences IB classes: economics geography global politics information technology in a global society philosophy psychology social and cultural anthropology world religions There are even 3 IB social science classes offered online: Economics Information Technology in a Global Society Philosophy How Else Can I Show My Social Science Achievements? Ask your school counselor if you can apply to make your school a local chapter of the Rho Kappa Social Studies Honor Society from the National Council for the Social Studies. This way, you and others like you can be inducted into this society, which is the only national organization for high school juniors and seniors that recognizes excellence in the field of Social Studies. Whatââ¬â¢s Next? So excited about history that you can't wait to grab a textbook to learn? We're here for you. Read through our biographic sketch of Ida Lewis, lighthouse keeper (and so much more); use our guide to understand the Platt Amendment and its ramifications; and grapple with the US political system with our articles on checks and balances and how the executive branch can check the judicial branch. Still wrestling over whether AP or IB is better? Check out our guide to deciding which is right for you. Ready to kick back and learn some history (but not in a school way)? Our articles on the history of hip hop, invention of the 3-hole punch, and Loomis Fargo heist should do the trick. Curious how your history skills will apply to the SAT? Well, for one thing, theyââ¬â¢ve probably made you a better writer. Read about how to improve your SAT Writing score, or better yet, how to get a perfect 800 and how to get a 12 on the SAT Essay. And donââ¬â¢t forget to read about the new enhanced ACT Writing test. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Sensation and Perception Homework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Sensation and Perception Homework - Essay Example For this process to complete the function of the eye is the most important one and its shape, size and location determine the capacity and functionality of the seeing capacity. Before deciding the design of eye for the new animal species, the most important thing we have to consider is the habitat and the surrounding environment where it will have to struggle for its survival. The foremost thing we should know is whether it is a hunting and assaulting animal or if it is a prey animal taken for food purpose. For the species involved in hunting the frontal eyes suit better because these eyes can give excellent depth perception due to the location in front of the head. On the other hand, the lateral position of eyes suits better for the prey-animals which gives them a panoramic view of the objects and helps them to anticipate and percept their hunters. After the placement of eye, its size and shape also determine its functionality. There are mainly two types of eyes, the most developed eyes like we, the human beings, have and the simple ones like a patch of photosensitive pigment which is found in many worms. The third option for designing the visual system is about its ability for movement. The movement of eyes helps the living beings to see objects from different angles giving better view of the object. However, the movement of the eyes is not sufficient in itself, the body shape should also facilitate in its movements to have wider seeing perspective. Thus, I would like for the new animal species a visual design which has frontal position to give excellent depth perception, medium sized to allow fast movements and the starling-like eye movements. 1.2 About fifty years ago, many a brain disorders were undiagnosed due to the lack of modern-day equipments and the research which by now has facilitated the medical professionals to anticipate and diagnose complicated neurological and brain disorders like Parkinson's, Anton's syndrome, and Meige syndrome etc. due to the lack of proper awareness about such disorders, the lives of patients were miserable and they had to rely much on their attendants. The real problem with some of the patients having brain disorder was that they did not realize they suffered some sort of disorder like in Meige syndrome in which the patients affirmed quite adamantly that they were capable of seeing even though they cortically blind. However, now the medical science has made extensive researches and is now able to control these disorders to some extent (Charles Bonnet Syndrome. 2007). However, it is a matter of concern that there is no specific treatment for these disorders and the medical professionals are able to control it in initial stages as well as handling some symptoms of the disorder. It is hoped that with further concentrated researches, these disorders will be controlled efficiently within next 50 years. 1.3 Structure of the Eye The structure of the eye or as is called the eyeball, is spherical approximately 2.5 cm in diameter. The outer part of the eye consists of three layers of tissue. The outside layer is the sclera having protective coating and it covers about five-sixth of the eye surface. The middle layer is called choroids, a vascular layer which is continuous with the ciliary body and with the iris. It lies at the front of the eye. The innermost layer of the eye is the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
MEMO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
MEMO - Essay Example Wastewater treatment has brought into light various ethical dilemmas facing the transport industry (Hall, Prichard, Kirkbriod et al. 2012). Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) needs to adopt stringent environmental regulations aimed at ensuring good water quality. Over the years, waste water treatment plants have changed their management practices. The WWTP highly depends on a technical body of knowledge based on past practice, applied engineering and environmental sciences. This is an effort to ensure that the environment is kept safe and in an acceptable condition. WWTP are considering installing more additional treatment tanks to achieve very low phosphorous levels. To as low as 0.009 to 0,05 mg/l (EPA 5). Additionally, the WWTP are considering installing additional treatment so as to meet the growing water needs for the rapidly growing population. The conventional wastewater treatment method involves the physical, chemical, and biological processes and operations to remove solids, Organic material and some nutrients from wastewater .in stage one, the preliminary treatment stage, coarse and other large solid materials are left to settle out of the wastewater and later taken to the landfill (Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, 2003). This stage involves course screening, removal of grit and comminution of large objects. In the grit chambers, the water velocity is maintained sufficiently high, and air is used to prevent the solids from settling down. Comminutors are sometimes used in place of coarse screening to ensure reduced size of large particles s that they can be removed in the form of sludge in the subsequent treatment processes. In this stage, flow measurement devices, mainly the standing-wave flumes are used (Hall, Prichard, Kirkbriod et al. 2012). This is the second stage. In this stage, settleable organic and inorganic solids are removed through sedimentation process. Floating materials are also removed through skimming. Similarly,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Free Market and Market Character Essay The main difficulty in tackling this question is squaring moral means with moral ends, (Wilkinson, 2008). Moral character, or virtue, is a means to achieving moral ends. As the socioeconomic structure changes so do the means of achieving moral ends. Free markets flourishes along fast socioeconomic change, and therefore market cultures are most likely to see a mismatch between the traits of moral character valued by the culture and the traits of character actually effective as means within the existing structure for achieving moral ends. Due to the indifference of each individual, perspectives vary according to the superannuated standards of our lagging moral culture while the system simultaneously delivers moral goods more effectively than at any time in human history. So, the correct answer to the question is: Yes, market societies corrode traditional moral norms, although this corrosion is an integral part of moral progress. John gray in his view of the effect of free market on market character suggests comparison of realistic alternatives and understanding how different systems promote divergent types of human character. His definition of a free market sidelines the view that free markets emerge spontaneously when state interference in the economy is removed, or simply free markets the ââ¬Ëabsence of governmentââ¬â¢. Instead markets in his view depend on systems of law to decide what can be traded as a commodity and what cannot. Therefore, free markets not only contain some moral restraints which are policed by the government, but also rely on property rights mostly created and enforced by the government. The free market as in the past mid-Victorian England came about not because the state withdrew from the economy, but rather because state power was used to privatize land that had been under various forms of common ownership, or not owned at all. Historically, it is evident that economic systems are living things, and rarely do free markets operate according to the established economic models; except in economics textbooks where markets are self-regulating. On the contrary, the relation between economics and ethics can be seen more clearly in the light that traits of character most rewarded by free markets are entrepreneurial boldness, the willingness to speculate and gamble, and the ability to seize new opportunities. In order to survive and prosper in free market economies one has to embrace such skills and risk-taking actions as retooling oneââ¬â¢s skills, relocating and switching careers. According to Adam Smith, one of the originators of free-market economics, markets cannot be confined to the marketplace because free markets demand a high degree of mobility and an ingrained readiness to exit from relationships that are no longer profitable; a direct reflection of the humanity in our lives. Adamââ¬â¢s fear and Grayââ¬â¢s perception matter the least when it has been proved that though free markets reward some moral traits, they also undermine others. The moral hazards of free markets do not mean that other economic systems are any better. Therefore, no economic system can fully attend to every aspect of moral character; instead all rely on motives that are morally questionable. A sensible combination cannot be achieved by applying an ideal model of how the economy should work. Different mixes will be best in different historical contexts. But one thing is clear: a modern market economy cannot do without a measure of moral corrosion. Tyler (2008) is of the opinion that free markets operate like amplifiers; the abundance placed in our disposal tends to boost and accentuate whatever character tendencies we already possess. He believes that other features of the free market also encourage the better angels of our nature and discourage our destructive impulses; thus allowing people to realize a range of good intentions. Market-friendly societies are attractive to immigrants. Transparency International annually issues an index of the most corrupt places in the world to do business. The countries topping last yearââ¬â¢s list were Iraq, Myanmar, and Somalia, while the least corrupt countries were Denmark, Finland, and New Zealand, all of which have active market economies. In relation to such a report, it is obvious that the rise of markets and the decline of corruption are part of a common and consistent thread of progress. Markets purpose to create a consensus around certain moral expectations: that agreements should be binding, that honesty is expected in transactions, and that economic actors are held accountable for broken promises. However not all markets are ââ¬Ëfreeââ¬â¢ because ââ¬Ëcorruptââ¬â¢ markets do not meet the above standards, as a similarly in a variety of other human imperfections. By making more social activity of every kind possible, the market creates greater scope for these vices. As observers of economic life, many of us focus too often on these sorts of negative examples. But we need to take a wider view of human progress. In the midst of our own long era of economic growth and expansion, it is obvious that the positive features of markets decisively outweigh their negative features. This is true not only because of the practical and material benefits of wealth creation but because of its beneficial effect on personal morality as well. Irrespective of the side taken by each market analyst, a common ground runs through in the aspects of moral and social issues. In his judgment, Globalization, leads not only to the creation and spread of wealth but to ethical outcomes and to better moral character among its participants. In contrast Hymowitz believes that market economies weaken the cultural conspiracy in three powerful ways. First, they introduce novelty, which tests established cultural habits and moral verities. Second, they provoke individual desire in ways that can easily weaken the self-discipline and moral obligations that make free markets flourish. And lastly, as they advance, market economies become more likely to treat the yet-to-be-socialized child as an autonomous, adult-like actor rather than as an undeveloped dependent. On the hand, subscribes to the liberal school of thought as pioneered by Adam Smith or Milton Friedman. According to this school of thought, freedom of the individual is the highest aim, and the ultimate test of a ones character is his ability to pursue his own chosen goals in life without infringing upon the freedom of others pursuit of their own goals. From this perspective, free economic activity among individuals, corporations, and nations boosts such desirable qualities as trust, honesty, and hard work. Other panelists on the same big question, has each faithfully attested to his or her view but at one point came to the conclusion that the answer to this question depends on how one conceives the good life; prescribing that at all times we should ensure to take a wider view of human progress. ? References Jagdish, Bhagwati. Does the Free Market Corrode Moral Character? London. 2008 December 3, 2008. 3 March 2009 http://www. templeton. org/market/PDF/Cowen. pdf Tyler, Cowen. Does the Free Market Corrode Moral Character? London. 2008 December 3, 2008. 3 March 2009 http://www. templeton. org/market/PDF/ Bhagwati. pdf Will, Wilkinson. Does the Free Market Corrode Moral Character, London. 2008 October 6, 2008. 3 March 2009 http://www. willwilkinson. net/flybottle/2008/10/06/does-the-free- market-corrode-moral-character/ John, Templeton Foundation. ââ¬Å"Supporting Science-Investing in the Big Questions: An interview with leading scientists, scholars, and public figures,â⬠Does the Free Market Corrode Moral Character. 3 December 2008. 3 March 2009 http://www. templeton. org/market/ Lockwood, Anne Turnbaugh. Community Collaboration and Social Capital: An Interview with Gary G. Wehlage. Leaders for Tomorrows Schools. 2 May 2001. 19 July 2001 http://www. ncrel. org/cscd/pubs/lead21/2-1m. htm.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Catch A Yawn :: Biology Essays Research Papers
Catch A Yawn A trick in every girl's handbook: If you want to know if someone is checking you out, yawn and check to see who, if anyone, yawns back. While we may be using the contagious phenomenon of yawning to our advantage, the age-old question still lingers on - why, in fact, is yawning contagious? Plausible explanations range from historic origins to muscular requirements. However, one answer that encompasses all other questions about the cause and traits of yawning has yet to be found. First, let's tackle the question of why we yawn. An evolutional/psychological theory has claimed that yawning was once used as a non-verbal form of communication to synchronize group behavior among animals (9). For example, the leader of a pack of wolves would yawn to set a certain mood or signal a change of activity. Humans also being group-oriented animals may have assimilated to this form of agreement. In the same way that one pumped up team member can influence the level of aggression and team-spirit of an entire team, one yawning client can also affect the mood of sales-pitch meeting. Another good example of synchronization among humans is if a group is sitting around a campfire and the leader yawns, it most likely will act as a signal to the others that it may be time to call it a night. Yawning is commonly perceived to be a sign of boredom or tiredness. Dr. Robert Provine, known as the yawn-expert from the University of Maryland, performed a study on 17-19 year old students to test this perception. In comparison to a group of students who watched music videos for 30 minutes, a group who watched an uninteresting color test bar pattern for 30 minutes yawned more (10). Dr. Provine also suggested that yawning is like stretching (5). Much like stretching, blood pressure and heart rate can be increased just by yawning. Perhaps animals yawn instinctively when bored or tired to get their blood pumping so that they may be physically stimulated to move or seek a new activity. But then why is it that we yawn after waking up? If we yawn after waking as a physical prompt to become active that's one thing. But yawning as a sign of tiredness can be ruled out if we yawn after waking from a restful sleep. Maybe a study could be done in which a comparison could be made between the ho urs of sleep and the occurrence of yawning when waking.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Expository research paper Essay
Minority students have been discriminated against for a very long time; many people think that minorities donââ¬â¢t have the same opportunities as others, but in reality they have many advantages. Minority students have opportunities to get into good colleges and getting more scholarships than other non-minority students. Colleges look for the obvious things like grades, and extracurricular activities and all those things but what most really want is to have diversity in the college and therefore colleges need minority students. Colleges read studentsââ¬â¢ applications thoroughly, so collegesââ¬â¢ look for stuff that sticks out, stuff that makes a student different than the rest one thing that might sticks out is race. In the article is says, ââ¬Å"An applicants final determination of what to say about race is often made consultation with a college counselor. Many counselors may convey to families that a multiracial applicant has a better chance of being admitted to a highly selective college than those in any other racial or ethnic category. â⬠(Saulny). This tells how a multiracial student may have a better chance of getting into a good college than those in other racial or ethnic categories. ââ¬Å"Many private scholarships are geared toward minorities because they are looking for something in particularâ⬠(Borowski). The author talks about how private colleges seek at minorities, which tells that they consider race are when choosing students. Molina 2 Scholarships are used to help students get into college, but some scholarships are targeted to specific students, most likely minority students. This also could equal disadvantages to non-minority students. In this article the author says, ââ¬Å"Some private scholarships are based on a students characteristics such as race, ethnicity, and religion, and some are based on professional affiliations or future career choicesâ⬠(Borowski). Private scholarships look for very specific things in students which show how much of a disadvantage some students have in. The article talks about one studentââ¬â¢s problem, ââ¬Å"As Johnson found, private scholarships can extremely selective. ââ¬Å"When I research all the grants and scholarships out there, they are all really specific, targeted towards everyone but me, he says, Are you a Pacific islander who plays tuba? There is a scholarship for you. Or a woman from an inner city who works with animals? Thereââ¬â¢s a grant for you. But a hard working boy from the suburbs? Nothing. â⬠(Borowski). The author shows how very specific scholarships can be and how they affect other people who do not fit the description of what that scholarship wants. Another reason why minorities have an advantage is because of stereotypes even if it doesnââ¬â¢t apply to that student. In an article a student says, ââ¬Å"I just realized that my race is something I have to think about,â⬠she describes herself as having an Asian mother and a black father. ââ¬Å"It pains me to say this, but putting down black might help admission. â⬠(Saulny). This states how putting down a specific race might better or worsen someoneââ¬â¢s chances depending on that particular race. A mother states, ââ¬Å"My 17 year old son is a high B student and an excellent athlete, but weââ¬â¢ve been unable to find any scholarships for him because heââ¬â¢s white. â⬠Elizabeth says, Johnson also says ââ¬Å"We arenââ¬â¢t wealthy. We donââ¬â¢t take on fancy vacations and we do without a lot of things. Yet because Iââ¬â¢m white, I donââ¬â¢t get a hand. There are all kinds or nationalities at Molina 3 my high school, whose families have a lot more money than we have, and yet they are getting scholarships. â⬠(Saulny). This tells how stereotypes can give minority students an advantage by colleges stereotyping and giving help to those who donââ¬â¢t really need it instead of to the ones that do. Minority students also think that it is a disadvantage being a minority but in reality it can be an advantage against non-minority students. Minority students are what colleges look for. There are scholarships targeted towards minorities, and due to stereotypes there are advantages. These affect more than just minority students, it basically affects everyone because being a non-minority is at a disadvantage of getting a scholarship or getting into a good college. In todayââ¬â¢s society someoneââ¬â¢s race could affect their future. Saulny, Susan, and Jacques Steinberg. ââ¬Å"On College Forms, a Question of Race, or Races, Can Perplex. â⬠New York Times 13 June 2011: n. pag. The New York Times. Web. 13 Apr. 2014. . Borowski, Susan. ââ¬Å"Scholarships and the White Male: Disadvantaged or Not? â⬠Insight into Diversity. N. p. , n. d. Web. 13 Apr. 2014. .
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Deception Point Page 72
The President looked around the room for Tench. He had not seen her since before his press conference, and she was not here now. Odd, he thought. This is her celebration as much as it is mine. The news report on television was wrapping up, outlining yet again the White House's quantum political leap forward and Senator Sexton's disastrous slide. What a difference a day makes, the President thought. In politics, your world can change in an instant. By dawn he would realize just how true those words could be. 85 Pickering could be a problem, Tench had said. Administrator Ekstrom was too preoccupied with this new information to notice that the storm outside the habisphere was raging harder now. The howling cables had increased in pitch, and the NASA staff was nervously milling and chatting rather than going to sleep. Ekstrom's thoughts were lost in a different storm-an explosive tempest brewing back in Washington. The last few hours had brought many problems, all of which Ekstrom was trying to deal with. And yet one problem now loomed larger than all the others combined. Pickering could be a problem. Ekstrom could think of no one on earth against whom he'd less rather match wits than William Pickering. Pickering had ridden Ekstrom and NASA for years now, trying to control privacy policy, lobbying for different mission priorities, and railing against NASA's escalating failure ratio. Pickering's disgust with NASA, Ekstrom knew, went far deeper than the recent loss of his billion-dollar NRO SIGINT satellite in a NASA launchpad explosion, or the NASA security leaks, or the battle over recruiting key aerospace personnel. Pickering's grievances against NASA were an ongoing drama of disillusionment and resentment. NASA's X-33 space plane, which was supposed to be the shuttle replacement, had run five years overdue, meaning dozens of NRO satellite maintenance and launch programs were scrapped or put on hold. Recently, Pickering's rage over the X-33 reached a fever pitch when he discovered NASA had canceled the project entirely, swallowing an estimated $900 million loss. Ekstrom arrived at his office, pulled the curtain aside, and entered. Sitting down at his desk he put his head in his hands. He had some decisions to make. What had started as a wonderful day was becoming a nightmare unraveling around him. He tried to put himself in the mindset of William Pickering. What would the man do next? Someone as intelligent as Pickering had to see the importance of this NASA discovery. He had to forgive certain choices made in desperation. He had to see the irreversible damage that would be done by polluting this moment of triumph. What would Pickering do with the information he had? Would he let it ride, or would he make NASA pay for their shortcomings? Ekstrom scowled, having little doubt which it would be. After all, William Pickering had deeper issues with NASAâ⬠¦ an ancient personal bitterness that went far deeper than politics. 86 Rachel was quiet now, staring blankly at the cabin of the G4 as the plane headed south along the Canadian coastline of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Tolland sat nearby, talking to Corky. Despite the majority of evidence suggesting the meteorite was authentic, Corky's admission that the nickel content was ââ¬Å"outside the preestablished midrange valuesâ⬠had served to rekindle Rachel's initial suspicion. Secretly planting a meteorite beneath the ice only made sense as part of a brilliantly conceived fraud. Nonetheless, the remaining scientific evidence pointed toward the meteorite's validity. Rachel turned from the window, glancing down at the disk-shaped meteorite sample in her hand. The tiny chondrules shimmered. Tolland and Corky had been discussing these metallic chondrules for some time now, talking in scientific terms well over Rachel's head-equilibrated olivine levels, metastable glass matrices, and metamorphic rehomogenation. Nonetheless, the upshot was clear: Corky and Tolland were in agreement that the chondrules were decidedly meteoric. No fudging of that data. Rachel rotated the disk-shaped specimen in her hand, running a finger over the rim where part of the fusion crust was visible. The charring looked relatively fresh-certainly not three hundred years old-although Corky had explained that the meteorite had been hermetically sealed in ice and avoided atmospheric erosion. This seemed logical. Rachel had seen programs on television where human remains were dug from the ice after four thousand years and the person's skin looked almost perfect. As she studied the fusion crust, an odd thought occurred to her-an obvious piece of data had been omitted. Rachel wondered if it had simply been an oversight in all the data that was thrown at her or did someone simply forget to mention it. She turned suddenly to Corky. ââ¬Å"Did anyone date the fusion crust?â⬠Corky glanced over, looking confused. ââ¬Å"What?â⬠ââ¬Å"Did anyone date the burn. That is, do we know for a fact that the burn on the rock occurred at exactly the time of the Jungersol Fall?â⬠ââ¬Å"Sorry,â⬠Corky said, ââ¬Å"that's impossible to date. Oxidation resets all the necessary isotopic markers. Besides, radioisotope decay rates are too slow to measure anything under five hundred years.â⬠Rachel considered that a moment, understanding now why the burn date was not part of the data. ââ¬Å"So, as far as we know, this rock could have been burned in the Middle Ages or last weekend, right?â⬠Tolland chuckled. ââ¬Å"Nobody said science had all the answers.â⬠Rachel let her mind wander aloud. ââ¬Å"A fusion crust is essentially just a severe burn. Technically speaking, the burn on this rock could have happened at any time in the past half century, in any number of different ways.â⬠ââ¬Å"Wrong,â⬠Corky said. ââ¬Å"Burned in any number of different ways? No. Burned in one way. Falling through the atmosphere.â⬠ââ¬Å"There's no other possibility? How about in a furnace?â⬠ââ¬Å"A furnace?â⬠Corky said. ââ¬Å"These samples were examined under an electron microscope. Even the cleanest furnace on earth would have left fuel residue all over the stone-nuclear, chemical, fossil fuel. Forget it. And how about the striations from streaking through the atmosphere? You wouldn't get those in a furnace.â⬠Rachel had forgotten about the orientation striations on the meteorite. It did indeed appear to have fallen through the air. ââ¬Å"How about a volcano?â⬠she ventured. ââ¬Å"Ejecta thrown violently from an eruption?â⬠Corky shook his head. ââ¬Å"The burn is far too clean.â⬠Rachel glanced at Tolland. The oceanographer nodded. ââ¬Å"Sorry, I've had some experience with volcanoes, both above and below water. Corky's right. Volcanic ejecta is penetrated by dozens of toxins-carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrochloric acid-all of which would have been detected in our electronic scans. That fusion crust, whether we like it or not, is the result of a clean atmospheric friction burn.â⬠Rachel sighed, looking back out the window. A clean burn. The phrase stuck with her. She turned back to Tolland. ââ¬Å"What do you mean by a clean burn?â⬠He shrugged. ââ¬Å"Simply that under an electron microscope, we see no remnants of fuel elements, so we know heating was caused by kinetic energy and friction, rather than chemical or nuclear ingredients.â⬠ââ¬Å"If you didn't find any foreign fuel elements, what did you find? Specifically, what was the composition of the fusion crust?â⬠ââ¬Å"We found,â⬠Corky said, ââ¬Å"exactly what we expected to find. Pure atmospheric elements. Nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen. No petroleums. No sulfurs. No volcanic acids. Nothing peculiar. All the stuff we see when meteorites fall through the atmosphere.â⬠Rachel leaned back in her seat, her thoughts focusing now.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Vindicate, Avenge and Revenge
Vindicate, Avenge and Revenge Vindicate, Avenge and Revenge Vindicate, Avenge and Revenge By Maeve Maddox The verbs avenge and revenge mean basically the same thing, but avenge is widely perceived as having nobler connotations than revenge. Both words, like the English word vindicate, derive from the Latin verb vindicare/vendicare: ââ¬Å"to claim, to set free, to punish.â⬠In early usage, all three words, vindicate, avenge, and revenge meant, ââ¬Å"to punishâ⬠or ââ¬Å"to exact retribution.â⬠In modern usage, the most common meaning of vindicate is ââ¬Å"to clear from censure, criticism, suspicion, or doubtâ⬠or ââ¬Å"to justify.â⬠People and things may be vindicated: Mubarakââ¬â¢s Wife Says Husband Has Been Vindicated Bayliss insists the decision made before his appointment to retain Englandââ¬â¢s leading Test run-scorer as captain has been vindicated. A year after his shock resignation, Pope Emeritus Benedict has no regrets and believes history will vindicate his tumultuous and much-criticized papacy. Avenge and revenge, however, retain the ideas of punishment and retaliation. Note: The word revenge functions as both noun and verb. Avenge is always a verb. Its noun form is vengeance. Although there is no authoritative rule to distinguish avenge and vengeance from revenge, a perception exists that there is a difference. For example, The Chicago Manual of Style offers this note: Avenge connotes an exaction for a wrong. The corresponding noun is vengeance. Revenge connotes the infliction of harm on another out of anger or resentment. Revenge is much more commonly a noun. Likewise, Paul Brians (Common Errors in English Usage), promotes the distinction: When you try to get vengeance for people whoââ¬â¢ve been wronged, you want to avenge them. You can also avenge a wrong itself: ââ¬Å"He avenged the murder by taking vengeance on the killer.â⬠Substituting ââ¬Å"revengeâ⬠for ââ¬Å"avengeâ⬠in such contexts is very common, but frowned on by some people. They feel that if you seek revenge in the pursuit of justice you want to avenge wrongs, not revenge them. Two examples from literature illustrate the difference. In The Princess Bride, Inigo Montoya seeks vengeance for the murder of his father, whereas in Moby Dick, Captain Ahab seeks revenge for an injury inflicted by an animal. Montoya has justice on his side, but Ahab acts from wounded pride, irrationally attributing vindictive intentions to a nonhuman creature. Considering how mean-spirited cyber culture has become, the distinction between revenge and avenge is probably a useful one to observe. Here, for example, are the titles of just a few of the distressingly large number of how-to articles on the topic of punishing people for perceived affronts: How to Get Revenge on Anyone The Ten Commandments of Revenge 50 Random Ways To Get Revenge How to take revenge on your Boss 10 Outrageous Ways to Get Revenge On An Ex How to Get Subtle Revenge on Your Enemies How to take revenge on Your Parents How to Get the Sweetest Revenge Ever Note: Until recently, the phrase ââ¬Å"take revengeâ⬠was more common than ââ¬Å"get revenge.â⬠ââ¬Å"Take revengeâ⬠is still more common than ââ¬Å"get revengeâ⬠in the Ngram database of printed books, but a Google search shows ââ¬Å"get revengeâ⬠ahead of ââ¬Å"take revengeâ⬠on the Web. Perhaps we should reserve vengeance and avenge for retribution motivated by a wrong that any reasonable person would regard as appalling and use revenge to denote the desire to hurt someone for no better motive than anger or hurt pride. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Royal Order of Adjectives Broadcast vs Broadcasted as Past FormThe "Pied" in The Pied Piper
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Quiz About Compressing Accordion Sentences
A Quiz About Compressing Accordion Sentences A Quiz About Compressing Accordion Sentences A Quiz About Compressing Accordion Sentences By Mark Nichol Brisk, lively writing requires attending to phrasing that slows readers down and or trips them up. Be vigilant about finding ways to make sentences less wordy and more direct. Firm up these five flabby sentences, and compare your revisions with mine: 1. ââ¬Å"The kit includes a set of five food containers, and they are dishwasher safe.â⬠Insert the key information in the second clause of this sentence as a phrasal adjective preceding the subject: ââ¬Å"The kit includes a set of five dishwasher-safe food containers.â⬠2. ââ¬Å"In 1995, he published a book called Bowling Alone, which introduced the term ââ¬Ësocial capitalââ¬â¢ into our nationââ¬â¢s vocabulary.â⬠Shift the focus from the authorââ¬â¢s act of publishing the book to the result of the publication by deleting compacting the phrase ââ¬Å"he published a book calledâ⬠to ââ¬Å"his book,â⬠then delete the comma and which: ââ¬Å"In 1995, his book Bowling Alone introduced the term ââ¬Ësocial capitalââ¬â¢ into our nationââ¬â¢s vocabulary.â⬠(Use this solution cautiously, as such a shift in focus may cause the passage to veer from fidelity to the authorââ¬â¢s intent.) 3. ââ¬Å"The film was commissioned by the US Treasury Department, and it was troubled from the beginning.â⬠When a sentence includes more than one form of the verb phrase ââ¬Å"to beâ⬠is, was, were, and the like discover a way to eliminate at least one of them; in this case, alter what follows was in the first clause to a subordinate clause, and jettison the conjunction: ââ¬Å"The film, commissioned by the U.S. Treasury Department, was troubled from the beginning.â⬠(Look for opportunities in such cases to replace not one but both ââ¬Å"to beâ⬠verbs, which are inferior in impact to more vivid verbs doing so may encourage you to be more specific, too: ââ¬Å"The film, commissioned by the U.S. Treasury Department, suffered from bureaucratic interference from the beginning.â⬠) 4. ââ¬Å"Smith is president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, and frequently represents evangelicals in the media.â⬠This sentence is improved in the same fashion as the previous one, with the additional improvement of replacing the verbose ââ¬Å"part of the wholeâ⬠construction with a ââ¬Å"wholeââ¬â¢s partâ⬠revision: ââ¬Å"Smith, president of the Southern Baptist Conventionââ¬â¢s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, frequently represents evangelicals in the media.â⬠(Take care, however, that this more concentrated restructuring is not more ponderous than the original phrasing.) 5. ââ¬Å"My cousin, who is employed as an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, claims that a scenario similar to that one could occur if the circumstances were right.â⬠Delete the redundant indicators that the writerââ¬â¢s cousin is a person (who) and is employed at the place of employment, and tighten the rest of the sentence by converting phrases that contain an adjective and follow a noun into adjectives preceding the nouns and modifying them on their own: ââ¬Å"My cousin, an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, claims that a similar scenario could occur under the right circumstances.â⬠Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Handy Expressions About HandsHow to Pronounce MobileAdverbs and Hyphens
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Second Industrial Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Second Industrial Revolution - Essay Example The first industrial revolution was brought about when the entire mode of work was revolutionized, with workers shifting massively from the agricultural fields to hard-core machine-equipped industrial units. People gave up agricultural labour and joined factories, because of which manufacturing became the major industry, especially in the United States. This led to the dwindling of the agriculture and farming sector. Machinery came to occupy an important position in man's life and everything began to get mechanized. The textile mills were the first to face this mechanization, which eventually spread to other industrial sectors as well. In addition to this, the invention of the steam engine revolutionized transportation and infrastructure. The first industrial revolution enhanced job opportunities and helped in doing away with unemployment to a large extent. It led to the rise of the middle class, which consisted of industrialists and entrepreneurs over the nobility and gentry. It also led to the betterment of the working class, who found a voice. However, what remained a sad state, was the working condition. The conditions of work remained akin to the pre-Industrial era, with long working hours, child labour and the like. People's lives changed dramatically and more stress was being laid on organisations, factory units and businesses. This is when the entire perception of earning a livelihood altered drastically. Thus, the first phase of t he industrial revolution was definitely an improvement over the already existent conditions of living. However, it gave rise to the second industrial revolution, which had far-reaching effects.The second industrial revolution came about, when people started concentrating more on the services, rather than manufacturing per se. The invention of electricity, the growth of railways, and other such details. This period, between 1865 to 1900 was marked by a change in the set-up of organisations and workplaces, that became quite different. This paradigm shift changed the equations once again and set the pace for a totally different kind of work system and environment. The rise of white-collar jobs and professionals and the catering to demand as per the demands of a country 's economic disposition was seen. In addition to this, there was a general form of unemployment, with urban industrial workers taking the main seat. The organisations came to be characterised by a strong working class. For instance, the growth of labour unions and the laying down fo strong principles on the conditions of work, the voicing of opinions and the unification of
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