Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Ratio Over 40 % - 1288 Words

ratio over 40% is considered troublesome. Also, compared to the 1995 and 2004 pre-retirees, the 2013 pre-retiree’s debt-to-income ratio exceeds the previous cohorts. However, the mean monthly total debt payment is lower for the 2013 cohort as compared to the 2004 pre-retirees. This may be a direct result of the decline in income for the 2013 cohort. In addition, the mortgage debt-to-income ratio for the 2013 pre-retirees increased over the measurement periods between 1995 and 2013. Moreover, the mortgage debt-to-income ratio for the 2013 pre-retirees increased as compared to the 1995 and 2004 pre-retiree cohorts. This observation provides evidence that the current group of pre-retirees has increased their mortgage debt over time and they†¦show more content†¦Thus, younger households will have lower income and assets, and borrow more in the beginning stages of the life-cycle, while middle-aged households and pre-retirees will increase savings and reduce liabilities whe n entering the later stages of life. However, as compared to the pre-retirees of 1995 and 2004, the 2013 pre-retiree’s total debt-to-total assets ratio exceeds the 1995 cohort, but is much lower than the 2004 cohort. For every dollar of assets, the 2013 pre-retirees had $0.84 of debt. Quantitative Analysis Results The objective of the study is to evaluate the extent to which secured and unsecured debt impacts the standard of living and the accumulation of financial assets among pre-retirees. To investigate the claim that servicing debt will reduce the standard of living and impact the ability of pre-retirees to adequately accumulate assets for retirement, logistic regression analyses were conducted for pre-retirees servicing debt to estimate the strength of the relationship between the dependent variables and the independent variables. For the initial analysis, natural logs of independent variables within the econometric model were utilized, except for the indicator variables which were not transformed. The dependent variable net worth contained negative values. To handle the log transformation of the negative values, a negative log (neglog) transformation wasShow MoreRelatedMole Ratio: Finding the Reaction You Want650 Words   |  3 PagesMOLE RATIO SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVE: The main point of the experiment was to form a balanced chemical equation, the find the mole ratio. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

U.s. Government And Terrorism - 1293 Words

The United States has been facing an array of diverse threats from Foreign Intelligence Entities (FIEs), terror groups, International Criminal Syndicates, Multinational Industrial Competitors, and Cyber Intruders. In most instances, the FIEs and terror cells use intricate modern covert, overt, and clandestine techniques to gather crucial information regarding the U.S. government and its operations across the globe. However, following the disastrous attacks on 9/11, the U.S. government has been formulating security policies to secure its borders against the threat from terror groups such as al-Qa’ida and the Islamic State. The U.S. government also disburses over 30 billion dollars to aid the intelligence groups in the collection of†¦show more content†¦Therefore, an analysis of the terror organizations use of social media platforms to recruit future members will enhance the Intelligence Community (IC) in formulating effective methods to curb the recruitment of America n nationals into terror cells. The Use of Social Media Platforms in Recruiting U.S. Nationals to Terror Cells After the infamous 9/11 attacks against the U.S., the country has put in place various measures aimed at securing its borders against foreign threats. However, despite the increased security measures, terrorist groups still find ways through which they can perpetrate their heinous attacks. In particular, these groups have taken advantage of the Internet as a means to circumvent the security apparatus put in place by the U.S. One may, therefore, raise a question as to whether social media platforms have made it possible for foreign groups to undermine the U.S. intelligence system. This paper will explicate how terrorist organizations and other similar groups have used the Internet, and in particular, social media platforms to attain their agendas by recruiting U.S. nationals, enabling terrorist groups to overcome intelligence measures utilized by the U.S. by focusing on the following questions: †¢ Is the country’s regulatory framework facilitating the subversion of intelligence efforts by prohibiting the ability of to monitor communication between the terrorists groups and American Citizens? †¢ How do social media platforms

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Chamber Music-Like Intimacy Even at Sold Out Venue free essay sample

When noticing the scalpers and the people waiting to obtain last minute tickets, and especially after the concert, I felt extremely lucky to have been able to attend this concert. Prior to this concert, I had never been inside Carnegie Halls Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage. Although we sat very high up in our balcony seats, it was not an impediment to the wonderful acoustics. Carnegie Hall is known for its intimacy and, for me, I felt it was most intimate in sound. Though the music was performed by a chamber music ensemble in an enormous room, I could distinctly hear and distinguish the music and I believe its quality would be the same no matter where I sat. So far I have not had very many good experiences with seating arrangements. It seems that theres always someone obstructing my view. This concert was no exception and, on top of that, since we sat on the right side of the balcony, our right side of the view of the stage was slightly obstructed. Of course, this had no effect on the quality of the music I perceived, and of this I was happy, but it did leave me, and Im sure the other concertgoers as well, a bit irritated. The good acoustics are wonderful for the music but, as it seems during this particular concert, it also amplified the disturbances in the audiences. Luckily, the audience was polite enough to hold their coughing or sneezing until the brief rest between movements. I have heard recordings of Anne-Sophie Mutter but it does not compare to finally seeing her play live. She plays effortlessly and confidently. When I looked for information about her before the concert, I learned that she plays without a shoulder rest and it did appear that way during this concert. Armed with this tidbit, I was impressed by her intimacy with the violin and, perhaps as a result, her virtuosity. Apparently, I wasnt the only person who enjoyed her performance: after each piece, she was called back on stage about three times and after the final piece, she acquiesced and played an encore piece. The concert also served to showcase a promising talent: Vilde Frang. Getting to see Bachs Double Concerto (Concerto for Two Violins in D Minor, BWV 1043) live has its advantages; for me, at times, it is hard to separate the two solo voices in the recordings of this piece but during this concert, I was able to see who was playing which lines. We got to see a bit of Frangs talent bu t it was a shame that she could not play in another piece. Although she played beautifully, I felt that she still has room for improvement. As Mutters protege, hopefully Frang will learn to adopt a bit of fluidity that is so prevalent in Mutters playing. I must confess that Im not the biggest fan of Bach so I was apprehensive at first. However, after this concert, I have new appreciation for Bach because I was in awe of Mutters performance of these violin concertos. I especially loved her performance in Tartinis The Devils Trill Sonata. I believe Mutter captured the spirit of the piece and I was amazed by her musicality. It is hard for me to judge because I dont have any experience with violin playing, but it seems rather difficult to play The Devils Trill with good phrasing at the quick tempo the piece is played at but Mutter excelled. After this concert, I learned a bit about myself: I left with an intrigue for Bach concertos, a hope to hear more from Vilde Frang, and an eagerness to return to Carnegie Hall. Just like the previous concerts, it made me realize the impact of live music. Its a real shame that we have so many musical performances and venues to choose from in New York City but in the bustle of everyday life, we seem to forget they exist. However, it seems that when we need it most, live music is a good dose of alleviation. Its another dimension, taking us places elsewhere to temporarily forget our monotonous and prosaic everyday bustle. Who wouldnt have the intention of going back if they didnt think this?

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Religious Commitment Essays - Confirmation, Holy Spirit,

Religious Commitment Religion is considered a very important part of life by a large part of the world's population. Determining moral issues and influencing every day decisions, it resides in everyday life and gives people something in which to believe. Often, the aspects of religion are passed down from parent to child, and the child automatically believes that which his parents believed. I too experienced this influence, as I grew up in a family with the Roman Catholic religion. I was baptized as a baby, and as long as I can remember I attended mass every Sunday with my family no matter how much I contested going or the number of tantrums I would throw. I received my first communion and went through years of Sunday school, which I thought was torture. At an early age I knew and understood the "routine" that Catholics follow. I later realized the true seriousness which was far more than just going through the learned motions. The arguments between my parents and I had diminished as church was now becoming an enjoyable experience for me. I started looking forward to the sermons of the priest, wondering what new topic he would bring about for discussion. Soon I went through a process that is custom in Catholicism, known as confirmation. This is the transformation from a child to an adult in the eyes of the church. My older sister went through the same process before me and I never really truly understood the experience when she went though it. Along with the others I attended special classes taught by the priest. I became much more involved in what went on in the church, helping out with seasonal functions for the younger children in the parish and helping to create an active youth group at the church. When the actual confirmation occurred the different feelings inside of me were captivating. The mass itself actually helped me realize the awesome responsibilities of being a Catholic and even the benefits it had to offer. In reality I was a slightly nervous about the whole thing. The Catholic Church places very high expectations upon its young people, and I now had more responsibility in the parish. After going through the whole confirmation process I feel as if I have grown as a member of the Catholic Church, and as a person. The wisdom that I have gained from my faith is immense. Whenever I am uncertain my faith will help guide me in the right direction. I am very grateful for my parents for not giving into my whining or fits when I was younger. In the end all of the advantages of being an active Catholic are well worth it. Without my commitment to my religion I do not think I would be nearly as strong of a person as I am today. To me the Catholic Church provides direction along with a true friendship that will last a lifetime.