Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The effects of enviromental temperature on human respiration Lab Report

The effects of enviromental temperature on human respiration - Lab Report Example Hypertensive patients should be extremely careful in cold weather and people should take care such that the amount or degree of exposure to cold is reduced and also adopt measures to keep the body warm. It is important to expose the body to the cold stress. However the instant impact is quite drastic. After the initial brief seconds, the rate of metabolism seems to fall as the body now adjusts itself gradually to the stimuli. Adaptation is important for human being and degree of adaptation depends upon the habituation. The term acclimatization refers to the physiological adaptation of the body to a fall in temperature. In order to make the patient adaptable to the surrounding cold, it is important first for the person to come in contact with the stimuli. Escaping or protecting oneself from the cold by wearing heavy warm clothes is not the permanent solution. The study carried out by Young, Muza, Sawka, Gonzalez, and Pandolf (1985) shows the impact of repeated immersion in cold water, a program designed for adaptation. However it was observed that only under light stressful a condition a person is able to show adaptation but not under strict conditions. It has also been observed that cold presor test (CPT) revealed that with the increase in cardiac sympathetic activity, the heart rate increases too during the first 30 seconds of the test. In this case results also reveal â€Å"Arterial pressure, heart rate, and MSNA all increased significantly during the CPT† (Victor, Leimbach, Jr., Seals, W alljn, and Mark, 2008, 431) According to Fleisher and Krieger (2007) cardiac arrest brings about halt in respiratory activities or apnea. Therefore, we can infer that an increase in cardiac activity will bring about an increase in respiration rate. It may be hypothesized that the environmental temperature will affect human respiration. At colder temperature, the

Monday, February 3, 2020

SLP Evolution of the Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SLP Evolution of the Problem - Essay Example However this cannot happen because the patients require medicines to take care of their ailments and illnesses, and they will keep going to the medics to make sure they remain healed. As far as the stakeholders of Medicare are concerned, the rising costs mean that they need to have more inventories within their ranks, which would mean that the expiry dates of the medicines would be close and hence some of these medicines would be redundant with the passage of time. The implications of this problem are immense as these could lead to shortage of customers within the markets and hence the stakeholders might feel that they have been hard done by. The Medicare stakeholders have a responsibility with regards to their business, and one must understand the same because the prescription drugs are indeed very quintessential. If the Medicare stakeholders find out alternatives, it is for their own good in the long run (Dukes 2001). When it comes to patients, one can realize the gravity of the scenario since they are the ones who would have to purchase inferior medicines at the expense of the ones that are prescribed by the doctors and medics. This is in direct contrast of the philosophy of giving the best possible treatment to the patients and as laid down in the Medicare regimes. The politics of international pricing have hurt the cause of these prescription drugs and the stakeholders are bearing the brunt for the same. There needs to be found a way which can tackle such regimes once and for all within the domains of the patients as well as the stakeholders (Harrison 2004). The major players within the field of medicines and health regimes are bringing in changes which have made the prices of these medicines and especially the prescription drugs out of control. These cost issues should be handled in such a way that attention is paid on the provision of the prescription drugs to the patients and the