Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Impacts Of Tourism On Natural Environment And Enhancement Tourism Essays

Effects Of Tourism On Natural Environment And Enhancement Tourism Essays Effects Of Tourism On Natural Environment And Enhancement Tourism Essay Effects Of Tourism On Natural Environment And Enhancement Tourism Essay Before lucubrating the relativity of Tourism and condition, it is important to comprehend them independently. Relativity is to isolate differentiate and describe between two unique qualities for understanding their dependableness upon one another. The travel industry is presently a marvel, non just a straightforward excursion action. It other than must be viewed as that touristry and tourer are two distinct highlights. Approaches separate thus and it tends to be characterized fitting to the two anxieties: It [ touristry ] is a human action which incorporates human conduct, use of assets, and connection with others, financial frameworks and situations. Bull, 1991:1 refered to in Holden, A. ( 2008 ) . From referenced definition touristry is essentially centered around nature or cultural aspects, where author has inspected touristry on the balance of ecological highlights. Another worry could be from the individual situation of a visitant or tourer, again I would wish to advert a defini tion from Holden s creation ; where he utilized another essayist s definition to recognize from the old purpose of position. The travel industry as: a demeanor to the universe or a way of seeing the universe, non needfully what we find only at the terminal of a long and backbreaking excursion Franklin, 2003:33 refered to in Holden, A. ( 2008 ) . This definition is progressively individualistic and from the situation of a tourer as an individual element. Here close to home experience is increasingly important for a buyer. The travel industry is non an extremely old study for universe however travel insubordinately is. The travel industry is a greater amount of inferring a surpassing encounter than a standard life, while travel can abide of grouped grounds behind it. Yet, orchestrating to Hunter and Green ( 1995, pp: 1 ) There is no all around acknowledged meaning of touristry. This is non amazing, since what establishes a visitor and the travel industry are still issues of contention . In footings of touristry, Environment is ever comprehended as a nature or feel of a completion or a topographic point which is utilized for touristry. Nature comprises of mountains, H2O assets, for example, ocean side, ocean, streams, cascades and so on. Green condition incorporates workss, woods, Parkss, downpour woodlands, safaris and so on when expounded to wild it comprises natural life, enliven creatures, timberland species, etc. Socially ; legacy destinations or social peculiarity is other than a part of a situation. In ecological surveies it has regularly been expected that there exists a cardinal association between a general public s course of normal assets and its perceptual experience of nature. Brunn and Kalland ( 1995:1 ) refered to in Holden, A. ( 2008 ) . Ecological surveies and records are immense and conveyances of its highlights are significant. In the event that we take a gander at it from an alternate position it appears condition comprises of entire universe ( po pulating or non living presences ) including universes, invigorate creatures, workss and assets. From advancement universes are using natural assets. At the point when watched this use or misfortune, it is ordered as Environmental overview. Obstruction and Resilience are two separations in this study, where Resistance is resilience of the site ( while getting utilized and as yet being undisturbed ) and Resilience is the capacity to recover from the happened misfortune or change. A few destinations have either characteristics or some non. Subsequently because of its highlights, Hunter and Green ( 1995 ) expressed that condition can be partitioned into three constituents as the physical condition or a biotic situation which incorporates sunlight based vitality, soil, H2O and clime . The travel industry and Environment are together: It is understandable that human commitment with condition will in general use the assets, in the event that it ca nt help to do them turn in any event they can be spared from future amendss by utilization of canny human conduct. Investigation of touristry condition is tied in with understanding the reason and result guideline and to mean hypotheses to secure the natural misfortune because of mass touristry. It is other than significant that Tourism should put alongside the higher caliber of condition and condition will gain profit by it non the mischief. No vulnerability each human activity has its ain advantages and disadvantages and brittleness of nature assets must non be truly hurt by it. The travel industry is without a vulnerability one of the universe s top beneficial ventures and financial increases are higher ( whether on the expense of condition ) and connection among touristry and condition can secure equilibrate if monetary total compensations get use in the safeguarding plans or ecological manageability. Effects of Tourism on condition: All exercises devour assets and deliver squander, perchance all exercises have a potential to mess up nature, and in same setting Tourism is no avoidance. The travel industry has created as a biggest industry and any action occurs at a mass degree firmly leaves it s positive and negative effects, for example, touristry did in the days of old. In spite of the fact that non the case that each natural activity is delivered by touristry yet at the same time being a mass industry it influenced on a more extensive stage. Regardless of whether its bring forthing another site or a legacy site utilized for various imminent, by one way or another condition is obtaining a troublesome clasp by this. The travel industry has some negative effects on the earth. By contamination, Numberss of people using constrained assets, conduct of tourers while on excursions, etc are a portion of the causes which straight or in a roundabout way influences condition. It might incorporate both physical and social features. Except if pull offing at all degree it is difficult to flexibly explicit thought to every asset and this is the way this turns into a negative feature towards touristry, condition needs to pay such cost by misfortune to the characteristic scenes to sea shores, coral reefs or legacy destinations. Surge brought about by touristry boss concerns looked by touristry exchange today. The sewerage squander from tourer resorts are depleted into the waterways doing contamination in the stream H2O lastly to the ocean bed, it incredibly influences the marine life. Extraordinary utilization of common asset that is non-renewable energy source to deliver vitality for tourer movement, the exercises of overfishing, unneeded use of land H2O assets, are only not many of employments which are made by touristry industry which in twist causes the diminishing of the asset. As touristry develops, it other than offer authorities to expanded littering, grouped signifiers of contamination for example commotion, H2O, air. Sewage and waste got expanded once in a while to unmanageable degrees. Close by interest for travel gets high and figure of vehicles green goodss army gases and clamor in air. In nations where assets are constrained, touristry builds up a feeling of rivalry, taking to a wide range of corruption. Positive effects: In any case, we ought to non simply observe at the clouded side of the Moon if touristry has its costs, its wages back each piece great, as touristry develops it strongly elevate a few different enterprises to lift one next to the other. At whatever point a completion is chosen to create as a touristry finish specialists and arranging beginnings put endeavors for the recovery of the topographic point. It comprises of restoration of a nation or a site and enhances the neighborhood condition. Hence this method brings new colorss to the site. Any basic site when goes under touristry position, its normal assets gets specific going to from the draw offing natural structures, where each piece instructed touristry designers knows the estimation of a characteristic asset and keeping up this in head they forestall any maltreatment or damage to it. There is a squeezing request to comprehend the connections between tourers, touristry and the earth. Numerous new signifiers of tourer ingestion spin around ecological quality and the respect for nature. One more ground for the negative picture of touristry may be that it is difficult to remove the effect of touristry from different signifiers of monetary action in certain completion nations . Shaw g. , Williams A.M. ( 2002 ) Various representations and example surveies are accessible where touristry has demonstrated a Jesus to lowering monetary frameworks, alongside affordable advantages ; it is useful in urbanization of dead towns. Because of the travel industry numerous worries create and individuals get utilized, on a cultural degree touristry keeps all networks together and associated. Any tourer s cultural commitment and wonts are constrained by the conduct in which s/he is originating from and an infiltration can be created so as to get positive reaction from tourers. Suitable instructive data framework towards condition can be an extremely utile device. Exchange touristry is creating: These all are a few explanations how another strain of tourers is creating called eco-vacationers and manageability came in noticeable radiation in 80 s because of aforesaid happened mass decimation in ecological assets. Supportable Development build came in going to from 1980 s and in March 1980, World Conservation Strategy ( WCS ) was readied. IUCN, UNEP, WWF, FFO and UNESCO joined authorities for universe s living assets. WCS was a conservation conspire where environment debasement devastation, deforestation, desertification, contamination, soil dissolving and familial decent variety and eradication of species and many related issues were in treatment. The connection between monetary turn of events and the safeguarding and nutriment of normal assets is build of maintainable turn of events. In spite of the fact that these thoughts were at that point in air from numerous mature ages at that cut however WCS talked about numerous intense adjustments go oning to condition and WCS was demonstrated as a range between front thoughts and ulterior activities. Another significant outcome was constitution of WCED ( World com

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Strategic Analysis of Apple Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Key Analysis of Apple - Essay Example The organization is additionally the second biggest traded on an open market organization as far as market capitalization. Starting at 2012, the organization had 394 retail locations spread all through the world (Apple Store, 2012). The all out income of the organization for the budgetary year 2011-12 is $156.508 billion and the total compensation was $ 41.733 billion. The present worker quality of the organization is around 72,800 individuals and has nearness in numerous pieces of the world (Golson, 2012). A portion of the contenders of the organization are Samsung, Nokia, LG, and Motorola among the others (NASDAQ, 2012; Gallo, 2012). This report will investigate the issues Apple is at present confronting and furthermore how the organization is managing it. It will be separated into 5 segments; the first and second area will cover the outer and inward investigation of the organization. The third and fourth area will reveal insight into the difficulties looked by the organization and how they are managing it. At long last, the last area will finish up the venture. Part I †External examination The outside examination of an organization is tied in with investigating the outer business condition of an organization (Monczka, 2000). All together investigate the equivalent, the report will utilize PEST examination and Porter’s five powers investigation. Nuisance Analysis Political variables: - The innovation organizations remain profoundly subordinate upon the political situation of a nation. Besides, it additionally needs to rely upon the standards and guidelines of the working nation. Notwithstanding, the legislature of USA has consistently supported items which are creative and popular. Additionally, the political situation of the nation is exceptionally steady which gives a chance to the organization to additionally build up its R&D framework and think of creative items. Affordable components: - USA is considered as perhaps the most extravagant country of the world. The all out GDP of the nation is 15.09 trillion and the per capita salary is $ 49,800 (CIA, 2013). The figures obviously mirror that the nation is monetarily steady. In addition, the discretionary cashflow of the US populace is likewise high. Consequently, it gives an incredible chance to Apple to get accomplishment with its high range items. Consequently the financial state of USA is amazingly good for Apple. Social components: - The absolute populace of USA is 316,668,567 and the complete urban populace is 82%. Another positive perspective is that the pace of urbanization is 1.2 % (CIA, 2013). Subsequently, Apple with its very good quality items holds extraordinary odds of achievement in the US advertise. What's more, US populace is additionally considered as well informed which again goes about as a positive factor for the organization. Innovative components: - The market for cell phon es, PC and tablets are developing at a fast pace in USA which acts a positive factor for Apple. Also, data and correspondence foundation of USA is exceptionally solid which cultivates innovative work capacity of Apple. Industry Analysis (Porter’s Five Forces) Force Intensity Description Buyer’s Power High Due to the nearness of countless set up players in the market, clients have the most extensive scope of alternatives. This builds the haggling intensity of purchasers. Supplier’s Power Moderate The providers of Apple incorporate Intel, IBM, Motorola, Sony and Disney among others (Satariano, Burrows and

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Avoiding Groupthink Avoiding Fatal Flaws in Group Decision Making

Avoiding Groupthink Avoiding Fatal Flaws in Group Decision Making You will agree that making decisions is not the easiest thing to do. Still, we do it, every day, every minute, every second.Sometimes we are quite aware of that process, while in other moments we are not.And there are times when we simply cannot make out whether we are using our own heads during the procedure, or perhaps it’s a result of a group impact.Our task here is to help you learn more about avoiding groupthink.Find out more about avoiding fatal flaws in group decision making as that’s the only way to keep things going the right way-your way.Each type of thinking has its own pros and cons, but some people find it difficult to stick to their own opinions and beliefs.That’s because they lack some basic skills which may help them strengthen their own attitude and be more self-confident.Stay with us for more useful tips!HOW TO DEFINE GROUPTHINK?You probably know the moment- the one when you feel that things are on some desirable course and out of nowhere “blindspots” appe ar and confuse you!You realize that you don’t even know what were you suppose to decide about, is it your duty after all or should the group be involved as well?Congrats, you are a just about to get into the nasty trap called Groupthink! This intriguing term was created back in 1972 by Irving L. Janis.This social psychologist used it to describe an interesting phenomenon in which individuals often set aside their own beliefs and opt for the one that the group shares, striving to make a consensus.It’s an integral part of human’s nature to use common sense while making a decision.This involves several components such as expressing critiques and unpopular attitudes, giving alternatives.However, when the phenomenon we mentioned takes its place, the ability to make decisions and solve issues using exclusively your head slowly begins to fade away.Of course, this does not mean that sharing the same opinion with the group is necessarily a bad thing always.The psychologist wanted to fi nd out that curious case where the group can make a good decision in one moment and then make a disastrous one in the very next.Long story short- he blamed it all on poor analyses of alternatives as well as the lack of opposing opinions and conflicts.On top of it all, he also pointed out that an insufficient amount of information leads to the impossibility to make an informed decision.Before we get deeper into analyzing this phenomenon, allow us to give you two most popular examples that illustrate it. Those are Challenger Space Shuttle disaster and Bay of Pigs invasion.In the first one, engineers of the spacecraft were knowledgeable about some faulty parts months before the launch, but they did not want negative press so they proceeded with the take-off anyway.The other one refers to President Kennedy’s decision which encountered the support from individuals around him, despite their concerns.RECOGNIZING GROUPTHINK-LEARNING THE SYMPTOMSNow that you have the definition, you may th ink that spotting it is as simple as it can be.Well, don’t be fooled, because even though the explanation itself is rather clear, numerous factors which are included in it make it more challenging to recognize it easily.However, there are several occasions where this phenomenon occurs more frequently, and that’s when there’s:Extreme cohesion in the teamPlenty of strong external pressure to make a good decisionAn atmosphere of isolation where a team operatesA determined and persuasive leader to represent the groupNo standard means for evaluation of suggestionsHomogenous ideology and social background of the teamPlenty of performance-related stress in the communityA recent failure and numerous moral dilemmasUnveiling a layer by layer of this complex behavior leads us to the next step, which is learning more about the symptoms which are common for it. Here comes the list: Peer PressureWhen an individual in the team gives an opinion which opposes to the one others have or question s the rationality behind a decision, the rest of the group work unitedly to pressure or penalize that person and make him/her compliant.Such individuals are often considered to be a sort of traitorous and disloyal outcasts.It’s a common case that the group puts a sarcastic demand before such person, by reminding him/her that leaving the team is an option if such person feels that the group is making a mistake. StereotypingThis usually comes as a result of uninformed views in the group.Those who advocate individual opinion are seen as party breakers because having an opposite and inferior set of morals and characteristics from the rest of the team is simply not right.Such a group attitude leads to discrediting someone’s opposition.This goes so far that the group even begins to ignore or demonize the “outcasts” who may oppose, question or challenge the teams ideas. ComplacencyThis is one of the most common traps which often appears as a consequence of the first two symptoms we described.After a few rightfully made decisions, the community begins to feel like anything they decide is the unquestionably correct one because no-one disagrees with it.To strengthen such common belief and keep the community under such an impression, the track record of successful (group) decisions is often mentioned.The purpose of this is to encourage people to believe that group thinking is the only way to reach success. CensorshipTo make individuals censor their opinions, by persuading themselves that their thoughts are surely wrong if they are different from the rest of the group.Any information that is not compatible with what the team advocates is strongly rejected. There are no alternatives. RationalizationThis occurs when the entire team convinces themselves that the group decision is the best one, despite evidence that proves otherwise.As an argument, such people often say that the others haven’t researched the situation to the detail, which is why their (individual) d ecision is not right. Moral High Ground In a group, each person believes that he/she is ethical.When a group consists of several moral minds, it’s impossible to make a poor decision.Adding righteousness as a mandatory component for making decisions, the pressure gradually grows.That’s because no-one wants to be seen as immoral. Illusion of ConsensusWhen no-one’s opinion stands out or no individual speaks out, the entire team feels the communitys decision is unanimous.Such an attitude feeds the Groupthink and everyone believes that the entire community feels the same. IS IT POSSIBLE TO AVOID GROUPTHINK?if you feel that during a meeting the mentioned symptoms are present, stay calm. Panic won’t help, but a clear mind will.What has to be done is think of smart ways to prevent killing critical thinking and inspire individuals to have an uncommon approach while solving problems.Here’s a procedure that might be of help:1) Everyone in the team should have a critical evaluation of ideas.This is one of the simplest steps.How to perform it, you wonder?Well, ask everyone in the team to take several moments to note down both the advantages and disadvantages of suggestions that have been given before the debate takes place.Though this is more than simple, not everybody feels free enough to express themselves. If you are still worried, there’s a solution to solve all your worries.Get a polling app that allows individuals in the team to vote or comment on subjects anonymously.2) The boss of the team must keep all ideas to him/herself.When one is a leader, his/her opinions have a big impact on others.That’s where the issues may appear, as shy employees will think twice before disagreeing with the leader’s opinion or suggesting an idea that is better than the one expressed by the leader.Leaders should try to prevent the situation where his/her beliefs lead to a discussion.If that happened, plenty of great opportunities to discover individual talents and strengt hs in the team will be missed, and that is sometimes critical to future successes.3) The team head should be a no-show.Even when one is completely silent, body language is never on mute. It’s impossible to turn it off.That’s particularly problematic during meetings.Even when one says nothing, people in the team know his/her feeling about the situation.If you want to boost the self-confidence in individuals in your team, let them know that you value their suggestions so much that you plan to be absent from certain group discussions.That way your presence won’t have a notable impact on the final result.4) Consider a team approach.In case the community is a larger one, try with randomly dividing members into smaller communities. Give them the task to work on the same issue.Such an approach will have multiple benefits for the group- it will strengthen the relationship between people in the team, they will learn to discuss and value each other’s opinions.What’s even more, such a competitive atmosphere will inspire them to propose as many solutions as possible, striving to give the best one that will win.5) A thorough investigation of all alternatives.After the team came up with a list of suggestions or solutions, submit them to a standardized method of assessment.This is a simple procedure, as all it takes is to give the answers to some common questions such as:How does this concept support the goal?What are the expenses of this approach?What are the risks behind such a decision? and similar.6) An external perspective is a must.When the evaluation of various ideas and solutions begins, here’s an extra assignment for each member of the team. Ask them to get an outsider’s opinion.This works for the majority of the situation.However, if the solutions being discussed are sensitive, advise members to talk to specific and trusted leader inside the organization.7) Consultations from an outbound expert.Even when the team is highly specialized in a specific ni che, sometimes a project or solution has segments that go beyond the expertise of the community.The best move in such situations is to consider asking an outside expert to attend the meeting and participate in the discussion solutions proposed by the team.Outsiders often give a refreshing change to community dynamics, and expert opinions make it possible for everyone in the group to learn from a professionals understandings and wisdom.8) Who gets to be the devil’s advocate today?Once all the participants are present, draw straws to see who will be in charge of playing the devil’s advocate for the discussion.The chosen person will have to “think like an enemy” and oppose all popular suggestions during the discussion.The purpose of this is to support healthy debate and test the strength of different arguments.USEFUL TECHNIQUES TO DEAL WITH GROUPTHINKWhat made a revolution in approaching the problems in a company or a group is- team building activities.By playing a variety of e ngaging games, solving seemingly silly tasks and having lots of fun, members of the group build a strong relationship with each other.Here are two “games” we selected, which can minimize risk for Groupthink to show up:Six Thinking HatsThis interesting challenge forces you to leave aside your customary thinking style and to approach things from several various perspectives.This allows you to get a more complete overlook of your situation.Each of the hats represents a diverse way of thinking, and here’s what each of them means:White portrays your concentrate on the available information.You have to look at the data you have, analyze past tendencies, and find out what you can learn from it.The task is to find gaps in your knowledge and do your best to fill them or use them as a direction what is it that you should learn.Red represents intuition, gut reaction, and feelings when you are trying to solve the issue.While “wearing” this one, take other people’s emotional reaction s into consideration.Do your best to understand the responses of individuals who are not fully familiar with your reasoning.Black illustrates potentially negative consequences in the thinking process.Therefore, your attitude has to be cautious and defensive to see why it might not work.To put things simply, this hat highlights the weak points in the strategy and while “wearing” it, you have the power to eliminate and change them, or come up with several emergency plans to fight them.This way of reasoning toughens you and your plan-making process. Thanks to this, you can spot potentially fatal mistakes and risks before you take any action.The ultimate advantage of this hat is the “super-vision” that a person gets.Sometimes successful individual gets so used to a positive way of thinking that they often miss seeing issues in advance, which is why they become under-prepared for difficult moments.The yellow hat is the one to boost positive reasoning.Such an optimistic view serve s so you can see all the good sides of the decision as well as the value in it.When everything looks miserable and difficult, put on this one, and the perspective will suddenly become brighter.Green equals creativity. When this one’s on your head, you suggest uncommon and ingenious answers to a problem. It is a free way of thinking, in which there is little criticism of concepts.Blue indicates process control. Individuals who chair the meetings usually wear this one. When difficult moments occur because suggestions are running dry, they may lead activity into the creative direction by putting the green one on.When emergency plans are necessary, they will look for the Black one to wear.BrainstormingOn the contrary, there’s nothing stormy here, as this procedure mixes a relaxed, informal approach to fixing issues with lateral thinking.The purpose of such a method is to motivate individuals to come up with suggestions that can, at first, seem a bit silly.Some of these concepts can be transformed into original, uncommon answers to the situation, while others can trigger even more concepts.This helps to get individuals unstuck by inspiring them to abandon their common ways of doing things and making them think outside the box.During these sessions, individuals should avoid criticizing or rewarding suggestions.The goal is to come up with numerous options and break down wrong premises about the problems limits.Judgment and analysis at this phase obstruct concept creation and limit originality. Evaluation of suggested concepts takes place at the end of the session.That’s where using common methods occur.Standard group problem solving can often be jeopardized by unhelpful community behavior.And while its significant, to begin with, a structured, analytical procedure when fixing issues, this can lead a community to develop a restricted and unimaginative approach to suggesting concepts.By contrast, this approach provides a free and open surrounding that motivates e veryone to be involved.Unconventional suggestions are welcomed and supported, and all members are inspired to contribute fully, helping them deliver a wide range of creative concepts.When used during fixing issues, this process brings community members diverse experience into play. It levels-up the richness of suggestions explored, which means that you can often find better answers to the issues that you are confronted with.It can also help you get buy-in from community members for the selected solution â€" after all, theyre likely to be more dedicated to an approach if they were involved in developing it.Whats more, because masterminding is fun, it helps group members strengthen their relationships with each other, as they fix issues in a positive, rewarding atmosphere.While this process can be effective, its significant to deal with it with an open-minded and non-judgmental way of thinking. If you dont do this, people don’t feel like suggesting anything, the number, and quality of ideas decrease, and morale can suffer. OVERCOMING GROUPTHINKHowever, if the phenomenon does set in, you must recognize and announce its presence rapidly so that you can overcome it and get back to functioning effectively.These are the steps to go beyond it with as less trouble as possible:Even with good group decision-making processes in place, watch out for signals, so you can deal with them as soon as you spot them.If there are signs of the phenomenon, talk about them in the community. Once confirmed, the team as a whole can consciously free up its decision making.Evaluate the immediate risks of any approach, and the consequences for the community and its members. If they are high (for example risk of personal safety), make sure you take steps to completely analyze any decision before it is approved.If appropriate, seek outside approval, get more external data, and test hypothesis. Refer to these steps above as a starting point in spotting things that need to be altered.Come up with ordinary group techniques and decision-making tools and encourage the community to think of their “games”.CONCLUSIONAs you have seen, this phenomenon is not a rare one, but still, there are ways to learn to spot it and deal with it.We gave you the definition along with the list of symptoms so that you can be aware of it when this process occurs.Besides this, you are now familiar with practical techniques and games that will help you overcome it and support a creative and positive way of thinking.Each person and his/her opinion has its unique value and can give a valuable contribution, particularly when the problem is complex and multi-layered.Thats why open-mindedness and critical thinking should always be encouraged.With such energy in the team, the chances to be successful are even bigger.And thats exactly what motivates individuals to keep on pushing, for their own and the benefit of the community.Use our guide as a reference whenever you have doubts and always look for more games and techniques to improve skills and learn to eventually eliminate even the slightest possibility for Groupthink to occur.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Essay about Domestic Violence - 1016 Words

Did you know that every 9 seconds a women is being beaten or assaulted? It is known that around the world, at least one and every three women has been beaten into having sex or some rudely thing in her entire lifetime. There are many cases where the abuser is a family member. Domestic violence is that the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sex crime, and different abusive behavior perpetrated by an intimate partner against another. It is a virulent disease touching people in each community, notwithstanding age, economic standing, race, religion, status or academic background. Violence against girls is usually amid showing emotion abusive and dominant behavior, and so is a component of a scientific pattern of dominance and†¦show more content†¦There are not any real causes of domestic violence. However, there are unit theories that attempt to justify why men use violence against ladies. Such things as family pathology, dangerous communication skills, stress, c hemical dependency, provocation by ladies, lack of spirituality, and economic hardship area unit problems associated towards the fighting of ladies. However, â€Å"Violence may be a behavioral alternative that the batterer should take responsibility. No language or different act is provocation or justification for violent behavior† (Domestic Violence, 1). Victims of violence suffer psychological and physical injuries. Victims could become â€Å"masters of disguise, staying home after they are marred†¦ † (Asher, Elba, and Sugg 1). Moreover, victims could experience headaches, abdominal pain, fatigue, and shortness of breath, hypertension, or worsened respiratory illness. They will have bruises on the abdomen, back, head, neck, face, beasts, or genitals. Also, â€Å"Injured private parts, breasts, or abdomens are especially common in abused women who are pregnant†. Psychological issues embody depression and anxiety. Also, domestic violence occurs in homosexu al relationships, not just in heterosexual relationships. One statistic states that â€Å"the prevalence of domestic violence among Gay and Lesbian couples is approximately 33%† (ABA 2). Unfortunately, homosexuals receive fewer protections even though they haveShow MoreRelatedDomestic violence1229 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ 3/1/13 Domestic Violence Persuasive Essay Final Draft â€Å"Every year, in the United States there are over 3 million incidents of reported domestic violence. Every year, 4,000 victims of domestic violence are killed.† (Domestic Violence: Disturbing Facts about Domestic Violence). Domestic violence is a crime that is not just committed in the United States, but worldwide. This crime is committed every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. Anybody can be a victim or the abuser. ThisRead MoreDomestic Violence1340 Words   |  6 PagesDomestic Violence is a problem sweeping the nation. This problem can affect anyone from anywhere but is generally acting out upon children and adult women in abusive relationships. Domestic violence is emotionally and physically scarring for anyone involved, and as a result could take multiple intervention meetings to begin to understand the issue, alleviate the associated problems, and to assist the victim in getting back on his or her feet. The consequences of abuse include anxiety, d epressionRead MoreDomestic Violence2691 Words   |  11 Pagestowards domestic violence have changed considerably. Once, the only avenue that existed for victims of domestic violence was through criminal law. Today, all states of Australia have enacted various forms of domestic violence legislation to deal with this growing problem within our communities. The Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 (Qld) provides a broader and more contemporary definition of what constitutes domestic and family violence. The legal definition of domestic violence is outlinedRead MoreDomestic Violence1120 Words   |  5 Pagesstatements that one hears when discussing domestic violence. When video broke of NFL player Ray Rice, hitting and knocking out his then girlfriend Janay, those were the types of questions that erupted on social media. Instead the question should have been, â€Å"Why did he hit her?†, â€Å"Why didn’t he show any emotion or remorse?† â€Å"What is wrong with him?† This is known as victim blaming, and it is unfortunately all too prevalent in our society today. Domestic violence is a dirty little secret that no one wantsRead MoreDomestic Abuse And Domestic Violence Essay1365 Words   |  6 Pagesover 3 million incidents of domestic violence. That means that every nine seconds a women is beat en by her domestic partner† (Findeley). There are many women that stay silent when being abuse by their partners. The consequences of staying quiet when obtaining abuse can be dangerous and can also lead to death. Many women do not recognize the importance of the fact that there is in speaking out if they are being abuse by their partner. No woman should take domestic abuse by their partners. EveryRead MoreDomestic Violence And Public Violence Essay1231 Words   |  5 Pagesmillion people in the United States are affected by domestic violence. There are 8.8 million children who will witness domestic violence. Half of all victims of domestic violence will also experience the unimaginable pain of their child/children being abused alongside them. The fact is, domestic violence will affect or touch every person in their lifetime (Pence McMahon, 1999). There are many ground-breaking advocates of reducing domestic violence, though one stands out above the others. EllenRead MoreDomestic Violence And Sexual Violence1237 Words   |  5 Pages1.0 Introduction Domestic violence or intimate partner violence can occur in any type of relationship. There are many types of domestic violence including; social, physical, emotional and spiritual. Domestic violence is all about one person wanting control and power over the other and it can be expressed in many ways. It can occur in more than one way such as; coercion, threats, intimidation, isolation, stalking, sexual abuse, and economic abuse. It can also be a single act or a pattern of behaviourRead MoreDomestic Abuse And Domestic Violence965 Words   |  4 PagesI chose to do the domestic survivors subculture I feel as if it was a great topic to focus on its going to reveal a lot of emotion. Domestic violence can happen to anyone. Domestic violence sometimes called battering is against the law. At first glance, it is hard to imagine why a victim of domestic violence would voluntarily remain in the relationship with the abuser. As you may know domestic violence doesn’t always start off as violence it starts off as in the form of love. The abuser feels asRead MoreThe Effects Of Violence On Domestic Violence1380 Words   |  6 Pagesobject to violence, because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent†, quoted by Mahatma Gandhi. Violence is defined as an unjust or unwarranted exertion of power or force to intentionally injure, damage, or destroy something or someone. Amongst the various types of violence, there is one in particular that has been causing an ongoing debate within societies across the world; this certain type of violence is known as domestic violence. Domestic violence, alsoRead MoreDomestic Violence And Sexual Violence1535 Words   |  7 Pageslifetime (Domestic Violence Statistics, 2015). The topic that will be studied with the paper is intimate partner violence or another term that can be used is domestic violence. Domestic violence or intimate partner violence is the systematic pattern or control or power perpetuated by one partner against another (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, n.d.). Throughout the paper the term domestic violence and intimate violence will be used interchangeably. The misconception is that domestic violence

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Political Science Course Outline Free Essays

| | |INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA | |COURSE OUTLINE | Kulliyyah |Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences | |Department |Political Science | |Programme |Bachelor of Human Sciences (Political Science) | |Course Title |Introduction to Political Science | |Course Code |PSCI 1010 | |Status |Core Course | |Level |1 | |Credit Hours |3 | |Contact Hours |3 | |Pre-requisites |- | |(if any) | | |Co-requisites |- | |(if any) | | |Course |Izni Bazilah binti Abdul Razak | Instructor(s) | | |Semester Offered |Every Semester | |Course Synopsis |This course introduces students to the basic concepts and notions of political science in the areas of political | | |theory, comparative politics, public administration and international relations. The topics will be surveyed from | | |the Western perspectives; their shortcomings evaluated and an Islamic alternative conceptualization will be provided. | | |Combining the two perspectives, it provides students a base for advanc ed studies in the discipline. We will write a custom essay sample on Political Science Course Outline or any similar topic only for you Order Now |Course Objectives |The objectives of this course are to: | | | | | |serve as a preparatory study for students majoring in political science and as a general overview for students of | | |other concentration; | | |make students understand the nature and scope of political science and how it affects people’s life directly and | | |indirectly; | | |make students understand the reasons why political science should be studied by Muslims; | | |identify the themes and issues discussed in the areas of Political Theory, | | |Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Public Administration; and | | |build the foundation of students in political science for future courses in the subject. | |Learning Outcomes |By the end of the course, students will be able to: | | | | | define politics and Political Science from both Islamic and Western perspectives; | | |describe various sub-disciplines of Political Science, along with its most basic concepts and the methods used; | | |ex plain the different types of governmental and political structures, institutions, processes, and perspectives—and | | |their respective historical evolution and functions—at the local, state, national and international level; | | |distinguish the Liberal-democratic, Islamic, Authoritarian, and Totalitarian political systems and their variants; | | |outline the key elements of various ideologies along with their critiques; and | | |Evaluate the roles of elites, masses and institutions in the governmental process. |Instructional |Content-based teaching | |Strategies |Task-based teaching | |Course Assessment |LO | |State weightage of each type |Method | |of assessment |% | | | | | |1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | | |Quizzes | | |5 | | | | | |1, 2, 3, 4 | | |Mid-Semester Exam | | |25 | | | | | |3, 4, 5, 6 | | |Group Presentation | | 10 | | | | | |3, 4, 5, 6 | | |Term Paper | | |20 | | | | | |1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | | |Final Examination | | |40 | | | | | | | | |Total | | |100 | | | | |Content Outlines | |Weeks |Topics |Task/Reading | |1 |Introduction: An overview of the course. What is Politics, Manifestation |Moten Islam (2009): 3-22, 40-53. | | |and Transmission of Politics, Political, Power, Influence and Authority, | | | |Authority and legitimacy in Islam. Moral basis in politics. | | |2 |Political Science: Nature, Scope and Development of the subject. |Moten Islam (2009): 23-39 | | |The Evolution of Political Science: Ancient, Medieval Modern and |Shively (2003): 2-15. | | |Post-Modernism. | |3 |State and Government; features of an Islamic Political System. |Moten Islam (2009): 78-98, | | | |131-157. | | | |Rauf (2002): 8-28. | | | |Shively (2003): 40-64. | |4 |Western Classification of Government: Democracy vs. Dictatorship, Unitary |Moten Islam (2009): 99-131. | |vs. Federal, and Parliamentary vs. Presidential Systems of Government; |Shively (2003): 169-197. | | |Islamic evaluation. | | |5 |Constitution, Constitutionalism. |Moten Islam (2009): 159-172. | | | |Shively (2003): 204-220. | |6 |Organs of government: Executive: (Khalifah), Legisl ature, (Majlis |Moten Islam (2009): | | |al-Shura), Judiciary, (Qada). |173-212; 232-255. |7 |Bureaucracy, Major Features, Role, Control and Accountability; Transparency|Moten Islam (2009): | | |and Accountability; E–government; Military. |213-230. | | | |Shively (2003): 338-352. | | | | | |8 |Political Parties and Party Systems; Interest Group; An Islamic |Moten Islam (2009): 314-345. | | |Alternative. |Shively (2003): 244-291. | |9 |Elections and Electoral Systems. Moten Islam (2009): | | | |346-362. | | | |Shively (2003): 223-241. | |10 | Civil Society, Human Rights and |Moten Islam (2009): 395-406. | | |Islam. | | |11 | Political Ideologies: |Moten Islam (2009): 268-373. | | |Conservatism, Liberalism, |Shively (2003): 18-37. | |Socialism, Nationalism and | | | |Feminism. | | |12 | International Relations. | Moten Islam (2009): 407-435. | | | |Shively (2003): 372-399. | |13 | International Organizations. |Moten Islam (2009): 436- 470. | |14 | Challenges: Globali zation, Environment, AIDS, and Terrorism. |Moten Islam (2009): | | | |471-476. |References |Required | | | | | |Moten, A. R. Islam, S. S. (2009). Introduction to political science (3rd ed. ). Singapore: Thomson. | | | | | |Recommended | | | | | |Baradat, L. P. (2003). Political ideologies: Their origin and impact. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. | | | | | |Crouch, H. 1996). Government and society in Malaysia. Singapore: Talisman. | | | | | |Danziger, J. N. (2001). Understanding the political world: A comparative introduction to political science. New York: Longman. | | | | | |DeLue, S. M. (2001). Political thinking, political theory, and civil society. New York: Longman. | | | | | |Esposito, J. L. (1996). Islam and democracy. New York: Oxford University Press. | | | | |Grigsby, E. (2002). Analyzing politics: An introduction to political science. Belmont: Wadsworth. | | | | | |Hofmann, M. (1997). Islam the alternative. Maryland: Amana Publications. | | | | | |Mawdudi, A. A. (1998). H uman rights in Islam. New Delhi: Markazi Maktab Islami. | | | | | |Rauf, M. A. (2002). Concept of Islamic state. Kuala Lumpur: YADIM. | | | | | |Shively, W. P. (2003). Power and choice: An introduction to political science (8th ed. ). New York: McGraw-Hill. | |Proposed Start Date| | |(Semester) | | |Batch of Students |Semester 3, 2005/2006 onwards |to be Affected | | | | | | | | |Prepared by: |Checked by: |Approved by: | | | | | |Dr. Mohd. Fuzi Omar |Dr. Tunku Mohar Tunku Mokhtar |Dr. Badri Najib Zubir | |(Course coordinator) |(Head, Political Science Dept) |(Dean, KIRKHS) | Learning Outcomes Matrix: PSCI 1010 | | |Course Learning Outcomes | | |Outcome 1 |Outcome 2 |Outcome 3 |Outcome 4 |Outcome 5 |Outcome 6 |Outcome 7 |Outcome 8 |Outcome 9 |Outcome 10 | |Define politics and Political Science from both Islamic and Western perspectives. |3 | |2 | |3 | |2 |1 |3 | | |Describe various sub-disciplines of Political Science, along with its most basic concepts and the methods used. |3 | |2 |2 | | |1 | | | | |Explain the different types of governmental and political structures, institutions, process es, and perspectives—and their respective historical evolution and functions—at the local, state, national and international level in the western and Islamic settings. 3 |1 |1 |2 |1 | | |1 |2 | | |Distinguish the Liberal-democratic, Islamic, Authoritarian, and Totalitarian political systems and their variants. |3 |1 |1 |2 |1 | | |1 |2 | | |Outline the key elements of various ideologies along with their critiques. |3 | |3 |2 |3 |1 |1 |1 |2 | | |Evaluate the roles of elites, masses and institutions in the governmental process. |3 | |3 |2 |2 |1 |1 |1 |2 | | | *1=addresses outcome slightly, 2=moderately, 3=substantively The programme outcomes are: 1. Knowledge = The ability to demonstrate familiarity with major concepts, theoretical perspective, empirical findings and historical trends in political science. 2. Practical Skills = The ability to understand and apply basic research methods in political science, including research design, data analysis and interpretation. 3. Critical Thinking: The ability to acquire and use the scientific methods with their critical and creative approaches of problem-solving and decision-making skills. 4. Communication = The ability to work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from a diverse range of backgrounds and varying demographic characteristics. 5. Lifelong learning= The ability to develop insight into their own and other’s behavioral, cognitive and spiritual processes and apply effective strategies for lifelong self-management and self-improvement. 6. Social Responsibility: The ability to understand and apply political principles to socio-economic and organizational issues. 7. Ethics, autonomy, professionalism: The ability to apply IIUM ethical guidelines in the design, data collection, analysis, interpretation and reporting of political research. . 8. Islamicisation: The ability to use principles in the Qur’an and Sunnah to evaluate and apply modern political theories and approaches. 9. Integration: The ability to integrate Islamic teaching in the theoretical, research and application of political principles in explaining and improving human behaviour. 10. Entrepreneurial Skills: The ability to successfully enter the job market. How to cite Political Science Course Outline, Papers

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Robert Andrew Millikan Essay Example For Students

Robert Andrew Millikan Essay Robert Andrew MillikanIn 1909 Robert Andrew Millikan set up an apparatus to measure the chargeof an electron within an accuracy range of 3%. In 1913 he came out with avalue of the electrical charge that would serve the world of science for ageneration. Young Millikan had a childhood like most others: he had no idea what hisprofession would be. Once he recalled trying to jump from a rowboat to a dock,falling in the water, and almost drowning. Here he had his first account withphysics Newtons Third Law of Motion: For every action there is an equal andopposite reaction. Even in High School Physics courses Millikan was not sospirited, which may have had a little to do with his teachers habit of spendingthe summers using a divining rod to find water. After Millikan graduated fromMaquoketa High he was accepted into Oberlin College. Robert actually began hisphysics career when he taught an elementary course at the request of his Greekprofessor during his sophomore year. He then transferred to Columbia Universityfrom which he graduated in 1893 as the only student graduate in physics. Afterthis accomplishment Millikan travelled to Germany to study with such professorsPlanck and others. When this period was on his resume Millikan was offere d aposition in the Physics department at the University of Chicago and Millikantook it. After teaching for a period Millikan decided that physics could onlybe taught properly through the practice of experimentation and getting yourhands in it just as many other things are. Thus, he began writing bettertextbooks for the University of Chicago, In fact he spent the morning of hiswedding day reading proofs of his textbooks (http://physics.uwstout.edu/sotw/millikan.html )During his 12 hours of teaching each day Millikan spent half of his timedoing research. In 1909 he constructed his first oil drop apparatus todetermine the charge of an electron. Millikan discovered that the chargedepended on the frequency of incident light. In the beginning of hisexperimentation Millikan was using a drop of water. Using a water drop onlygave Millikan forty five seconds in which to measure the charge, due to thevolatility of the water.Millikan then switched to using a drop of oil becauseof its low volati lity and as a result was allowed four and one half hours tomeasure the charge. In 1909 Millikan figured he was within 2% of being accurate. In 1910Millikan actually announced numerical value for this fundamental atomic constant,4.89110-10 esu. After Millikan announced this number he was elected ViceChairman and Director of Research for the National Research Council in 1917.Millikan realized there were inaccuracies when then photocurrent near the cutoffpoint was too low to measure. Noticing that the current was highest when themetal was fresh Millikan fashioned his targets into thick cylinders and riggedup an electro-magnetically controlled knife to shave off the ends of the blocks. Millikan went on to the Physics Laboratory at California Institute ofTechnology, where he obtained his Doctorate and stayed on doing research onCosmic Rays until he retired in 1945. It was while he was at Cal Tech in 1923that he won the Nobel Prize in Physics. Millikan was the first Cal TechDoctorate to achieve a Nobel Prize.