Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Essay about Domestic Violence - 1016 Words

Did you know that every 9 seconds a women is being beaten or assaulted? It is known that around the world, at least one and every three women has been beaten into having sex or some rudely thing in her entire lifetime. There are many cases where the abuser is a family member. Domestic violence is that the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sex crime, and different abusive behavior perpetrated by an intimate partner against another. It is a virulent disease touching people in each community, notwithstanding age, economic standing, race, religion, status or academic background. Violence against girls is usually amid showing emotion abusive and dominant behavior, and so is a component of a scientific pattern of dominance and†¦show more content†¦There are not any real causes of domestic violence. However, there are unit theories that attempt to justify why men use violence against ladies. Such things as family pathology, dangerous communication skills, stress, c hemical dependency, provocation by ladies, lack of spirituality, and economic hardship area unit problems associated towards the fighting of ladies. However, â€Å"Violence may be a behavioral alternative that the batterer should take responsibility. No language or different act is provocation or justification for violent behavior† (Domestic Violence, 1). Victims of violence suffer psychological and physical injuries. Victims could become â€Å"masters of disguise, staying home after they are marred†¦ † (Asher, Elba, and Sugg 1). Moreover, victims could experience headaches, abdominal pain, fatigue, and shortness of breath, hypertension, or worsened respiratory illness. They will have bruises on the abdomen, back, head, neck, face, beasts, or genitals. Also, â€Å"Injured private parts, breasts, or abdomens are especially common in abused women who are pregnant†. Psychological issues embody depression and anxiety. Also, domestic violence occurs in homosexu al relationships, not just in heterosexual relationships. One statistic states that â€Å"the prevalence of domestic violence among Gay and Lesbian couples is approximately 33%† (ABA 2). Unfortunately, homosexuals receive fewer protections even though they haveShow MoreRelatedDomestic violence1229 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ 3/1/13 Domestic Violence Persuasive Essay Final Draft â€Å"Every year, in the United States there are over 3 million incidents of reported domestic violence. Every year, 4,000 victims of domestic violence are killed.† (Domestic Violence: Disturbing Facts about Domestic Violence). Domestic violence is a crime that is not just committed in the United States, but worldwide. This crime is committed every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. Anybody can be a victim or the abuser. ThisRead MoreDomestic Violence1340 Words   |  6 PagesDomestic Violence is a problem sweeping the nation. 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The topic that will be studied with the paper is intimate partner violence or another term that can be used is domestic violence. Domestic violence or intimate partner violence is the systematic pattern or control or power perpetuated by one partner against another (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, n.d.). Throughout the paper the term domestic violence and intimate violence will be used interchangeably. The misconception is that domestic violence

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